Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland
Located within Boulder Ranger District, the 2.5 mile (Red Rock
Trailhead to Brainard Lake) CMC Trail is a great trail for beginner
skiers as it is the easiest of trails. Several branches at the eastern
end with the main route turning to the right (west) at the base of
Lefthand Park Reservoir Road. Soon afterwards the Snowshoe Trail forks
left (south). After 0.2 miles of uphill, the second branch of the CMC
Trail forks right (north) for a 0.1 mile down rather steep hill to the
Brainard Lake Road. After an additional 100 yards, Snowshoe Trail
crosses again, afterwhich the final branch of the CMC trail forks left
(south) on an old road to come into the Lefthand Park Reservoir Road.
From this point CMC Trail is mostly level for 2 miles west to Brainard
Lake, partially along an old ditch.