Springer Mountain Loop Trail begins at the Appalachian Trail (AT)
crossing of USFS 42. The first 1.1 miles are on the AT south from the
trailhead to the summit of Springer Mnt. The second (3.3 miles) portion is
on the BMT from the summit returning north, crossing USFA 42 at Big Stamp
Gap and bearing west. The northern part of this trail follows old road
beds rejoining the AT at Cross Trails and turning south for 0.1 miles on
the AT crossing over a small knob before return to parking area.
The trail ascends Springer Mountain on the (2"x6" rectangles) white
paint blazed AT. At 0.8 miles it passes the Benton MacKay Trail (white
paint diamond shaped blaze) and the side trail (2"x6" blue paint blazed
trail) to sprint and shelter before reaching summit overlook. Return to
BMT/AT fork and take BMT (white paint diamond shaped blaze) northeast
descending gradually from Springer Mountain toward USFS road 42. After
hiking about one mile look for side trail on right to view. Bank on BMT,
cross road at Big Stamp Gap, follow BMT 1.5 miles through laurel and
rhododendron thickets and several stream crossings to intersection with
AT. Turn left on AT, and return to parking area.
Directions from Blue Ridge, Georgia:
Travel east (toward Blairsville, GA) on GA Hwy 515,
approx. 0.8 miles past intersection with GA Hwy 5. Turn Right at Windy
Ridge Rd., go 0.2 miles to dead end with Old U.S. 76. Turn left, go 0.2
miles to Aska Road. South on Aska Road to end (13.5 miles). Turn right
onto Newport Road, go 4.5 miles to end. Turn right onto Doublehead Gap
Road, go 2.0 miles to USFS road 42 on left. Turn left onto USFS 42, drive
7.3 miles east to AT crossing near Cross Trails.