Length: 3.0 miles
Rating: Moderate/Strenuous
Because much of the timber in the Moss Gap area was harvested during
the late 1980's, there are a number of vistas along FS 323. Remaining
forested stands are young. FS 323 has a hard packed gravel surface.
From Moss Gap cycle northwest 0.5 mile where Turkeypen Gap road Joins
FS 323. Continue on FS 323 past several old roads. At the intersection of
two roads on the right and one on the left, stop and make a half mile
detour on the gated road on the left for a view of Western Carolina
University campus. FS 323 continues down to a turnaround near Wilson
Creek. A road from the turnaround leads to a camp site on the Creek.
Another road leads to a wildlife area.